NAO YAMAKASI (ナオ・ヤマカシ)

フリーランナー / アクション俳優 / スポーツモデル / スタントマン / トレーナー / アクション振付師


2003年:リュック・ベッソン映画「YAMAKASI」に魅了されフランス発祥の移動芸術 "L'Art du Déplacement"(またの名をパルクール/フリーランニング)をYAMAKASIの映画と本を参考に自己流で訓練を始める。

2008年:単身渡仏しオリジナルグループYAMAKASIそしてパルクール創設者の1人でアクションスターのDavid Belleからの師事を受ける。


2014年:Parkour Generations Academy UK, London Developing Athlete Program 卒業

2014年:イギリスのプロパルクールチーム Parkour Generations のコアメンバーになる。

2019年:YWAM Italy, Francavilla al Mare Parkour Discipleship Training School 卒業





Freerunner / Actor / Model / Stuntman / Coach / Choreographer

Born in 3 May 1991 Japan.

Fascinated by Luc Besson’s film "YAMAKASI" I started training "L’Art du Déplacement" now called "Parkour" or "Free Running" from the age of 11 with reference to the training from the movie and it's accompanying book.

At the age of 17 I flew to France by myself to study and train with the first members of the Art du Déplacement / Parkour group YAMAKASI

In 2014-2016, I was under contract with the professional parkour team Parkour Generations in the UK.

In 2009, I fell from a height of 12 meters while training in London, broke my spine in three places and was hospitalised for three months. After being discharged I was in a wheelchair and had to be in rehabilitation for about three years. My road to recovery was an enormous mental battle, but despite what happened I pushed through and finally began training again. Now I am completely recovered and have returned stronger both mentally and physically, using this strength in everything I do.  

Action Reel

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